Are you ready to dive into the world of beauty and cosmetics at Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN in Thailand this June 2024?

May 24, 2024
Are you ready to dive into the world of beauty and cosmetics at Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN in Thailand this June 2024?
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Our partners are planning to participate in the Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN, Bangkok Thailand 13-15 JUNE 2024 exhibition. We will update further with more information.

 Are you ready to dive into the world of beauty and cosmetics at Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN in Bangkok, Thailand this June? Get your glam on and mark your calendars for June 13-15, 2024! It's going to be a beauty extravaganza like no other!


COSMOPROF CBE ASEAN is the gateway to Southeast Asia‘s expanding beauty industry.

The ASEAN Beauty Market presents a compelling opportunity for international brands seeking to access high-quality products at more affordable rates compared to Western countries. Thailand, as the entry point to the ASEAN beauty market, offers tremendous potential for international brands. Additionally, members of ASEAN can take advantage of favorable trade policies within the region.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming 2024 edition, which will take place at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in June 13 – 15, 2024.

What's the Buzz About?

Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN is the place to be for all things beauty. From skincare to haircare, makeup to fragrances, this event has it all. It's like a candy store for beauty enthusiasts!

Calling All Beauty Lovers!

If you're a beauty junkie or a skincare aficionado, this is the event for you. Get ready to discover the latest trends, products, and innovations in the beauty industry. It's a paradise for anyone who loves to pamper themselves!

Partner Up and Shine!

If you're a beauty brand looking to make a splash in the industry, Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN is the perfect place to showcase your products. Partner up with us and let your brand shine bright like a diamond!

Connect with Us!

Interested buyers, we want to hear from you! Reach out to us anytime and let's chat about how we can partner up at Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something fabulous!

2024 코스모프로프 CBE 아세안 방콕(Cosmoprof CBE Asean Bangkok, Thailand 13-15 JUNE 2024) 전시회 에 파트너사 참가예정입니다.

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 Team Dotrade. 

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